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In this activity, I interviewed one of my seniors in Sacristan, whose name is Kyle Kagatan. I interviewed him through messenger, since he is in Iligan City at the moment.

1. Why does it seem acceptable in Philippine society for husbands to have affairs with other women?

•It is not acceptable in the Philippine society for husbands to have affairs with other women, however, it has quite become a norm nowadays. Many people, especially those who are famous ones (e.g. celebrities) are involved into these kinds of affairs. Due to that fact, some people tend to engage this as they believe in the thought that “if a famous individual can, then so can I”. Also, because there are some men who think and believe that the more girls/women they have, the cooler they think they are and that they are above the others. 

2.Is it acceptable for women? Why or why not? What do you think or feel about this?

•No, of course not. If men are not, then so as the women. Social media has gradually affected the mindsets of people. Not just the adults, but also for those individuals using it. It really did gradually become a norm which I think is a very negative outcome.

3.Should this attitude be changed? Why or why not?

•Yes, of course. Cheating or having affairs should not be normalized as it is one of the DON’TS on the Ten Commandments which is therefore a sin. This also degrades the value and sacredness of marriage.

PS. Evidence of the Interview
