Oftentimes we come across or encounter poems that we feel are not worth reading because each line of the poem uses figurative language which is very difficult to understand and if we don’t have the knowledge of what figurative language is we tend to ignore and skip that kind of poem.
Much more, poems that are not rhymed and somehow just give us that headache of analyzing what it meant to be, is actually giving us a hint not to read that poem. As it seems meaningless and pointless after all.
This poem is meaningless in form but it is so meaningful if the figurative language being used to manifest its meaning is clearly understandable and emphasized by the one reading this poem. It is a clear proof that only those who have mastered the usage are the only ones who could fully understand this poem.
•The structure of the poem is a "FREE VERSE STRUCTURE" the reason for this is there's no rhyme scheme and no set metrical pattern.
•The poem is narrative in form cause it convey something from one mind to another through discourse.
•The figure of speech use in the poem is synecdoche.
* How does the author look at love and life?
The author looks at love and life as something unreachable that keeps on searching and running after it.
*What symbols can you find in the poem, identify and explain?
The symbols are ghosts, because they cannot be touched; we only have to dream that we can feel and touch it.
2.Grains of sand so tight: symbolizes no light can pass even a little bit, because a grain of sand is so little, so if it is so tight then no light can pass it at all.
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